Thursday, April 21, 2011


Well just wanted to get the movements into my system today. Not too much work done, but it was quick.

200m run
30 wallballs 10ft. 30# (15unbroken)
200m run
20 TOEs to BAR (10unbroken)
200m run
10 powercleans 90kg (5 unbroken)

5 rounds
12 ghd sit ups
15 hip extensions


Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

So far this week

Monday was an endurance sprint day and today was a chipper. Learning to let my body do a little more healing than usual. Nutrition is okay but could be better but training it self is going good now. Going to do the OPEN workout on Friday so that in case of anything I can redo it on Sunday if not happy with the outcome.

CFC Monday:
12 rounds of :30on/:30off for max meters on row.
20 rounds of hill sprints done with :25 sendoffs

2112 total meters
16 rounds completed.

CFC Wed:
chipper WOD
70 burpees
60 situps
50 kettlebell swings 24kg
40 pullups


Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

back at it again

I have not been impressed with my performances in the Sectionals Open this year. From week one I have been slacking. First week I did it too many times, 2nd week I did the workout after traveling to CT and having a blown out prosterior chain, and last week I screwed myself by doing hammer curls and that did not allow me to get into a good catch position. So this week I am changing up the programming a bit and going to cater to the Open WOD. Let's see what happens now.

Wednesday CFC WOD:
10 rounds for time
15 Wallballs 20#/10ft
10 pullups

result: 11:52

Workout was harder than it looked. Unbroken on everything til 7th round when I slipped off of pullup bar.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

games and new direction

The direction I will be going in is one geared towards the WODs issued by the CFGames. Most of training will consists of getting ready for the workouts on either Saturday or Sundays for the next 4 weeks. This is only temporary. My buddy AJ is programming again and he is a lot like OPT in regards to way he sets up days to train. He actually programs for himself and others just follow along. I will try to get as much of his stuff as possible and only change up a few things here and there. Maybe I will throw in Fatbars or Stones or Prowler pushes in the mix of the workouts since I need to work on them as well.
Anyways onto the 3rd workout this weekend of the CFGames 2011.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

the Squat and box jump

Today at CFC we did Heavy Back Squats and Box Jumps with twist.

A.) Back Squat

box jumps
5 sets as many reps as possible with emphasis on touch and go at bottom.
(feet on ground for least amount of time)

A.) done with 8kg fat bar
128kg, 133kg, 138kg, 143kg, 148kg, 153kg, 158kg(f)

B.) highest was 26 jumps

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Stupid Calf and the Cindy WOD

So yesterday in the middle of the Open WOD my calf seized up and I had to finish out the workout in my socks. I didn't want to tap so I just manned up and stayed on the concrete spinning my rope. Anyways I am glad that they extended the period for entries. Anyways onto today. Cindy with a Power Clean was what I chose today. Did not want a lot of upper body pressing so opted for this one that I did with a few HQ trainers a year or two ago. Starting back on OPT tomorrow to get back into the swing of things.

one round of Cindy (5pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats)
1 185# Power Clean
one round of Cindy
2 185# Power Clean
and so on and so on until the 20 minutes is up.

11 full rounds + 6 Power Cleans
totals: 60pullups, 110 pushups, 165 squats, 72 185# Power Cleans

This WOD is evil but fun. Was looking to capture 12 but just didn't have the grip for it. Went to round 6 UNBROKEN on the Power Cleans. Every Cindy was UNBROKEN.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


After taking Saturday and Sunday off I was wide awake with a full mind, so I jotted some stuff on paper and some I kept others once they were written out did not sounds too good so they were erased.

One that stood out was "Countdown."

It is a strength program based off of Wendlar's 5/3/1, but spice it up a little to fit the needs of Crossfitters. I was looking at my weaknesses in the WODs and noticed what was standing out was I looked at the bar a little longer than I should. After telling some other people in the community about it, they stated that they noticed the same thing in their training. so I went out on a search to look for something that might be a good fix for Crossfitters and improving the power output in WODs.

I heard some great things from people on Starting Strength from Rippetoe, but after looking further most didn't gain much on their Crossfit times. Given their technique improved but with gaining more strength the people had to sacrifice other parts of the training. You can gawk at that but it is true. Have not seen anyone with a 600# squat and a 3:00 Fran yet. So after claiming that it is a great program for people looking to gain strength, but not so much for Crossfitters.

Next on the list from people was Westside style training. Again I agreed it was great for strength but not so much for Crossfitters. Well at least not to use all the time. If sprinkled in routinely I could see it paying dividends for some to get the strength up. All the strength doesn't mean that the WODs will get easier or feel lighter but having a 500# deadlift doesn't hurt. One thing I like about Westside is the assistance work Simmons throws in.

Some people brought up Defranco's methods. I like Defranco, Joe has great ideas when training football players and some other style athletes. He doesn't have a strong program, however, for the Crossfit athlete. Defranco's training is based off of Westside from what I can see from all the articles.

Lastly the most talked about program from the community was Wendlar's 5/3/1. On the surface this looks great and I have made some good gains in the workouts for my maxes but again not much improvement on the WODs that came up daily. Saw myself feeling fatigued as well a little more, since he throws in assistance work as well. A good thing like I said before. The last sets of the workout where you go all out is a great thing, but maybe a little too heavy for Crossfitters. You are basically asked to go all out on high percentages of heavy weights. Really great for most.

With that last sentence is where my thoughts for "Countdown" came from. With Wendlar's systems you are not hitting lower than 80% of your maxes. When it comes to Crossfit though you are asked to tackle weights that are almost at 50% of max and shoot for around 50-75 reps or maybe around 75% and go UNBROKEN for many reps as well. Both of those circumstances come up daily on the WODs. The best way to complete the workouts is to not let go. Whether you have a big deadlift or not doesn't matter if you have to put the bar down and let others go by you as you stand and look at the bars.

Hoping you have understood most of the above let's proceed.
Like I mentioned earlier "Countdown" is based off Wendlar in many ways. First likeness is taking a percentage of your 1rm and using it as a working weight (in Countdown you take 90% of 1rm then subtract 5-10 pounds). Second likeness will be having you go all out on the last set of each workout. The one thing that will differ is the weights you will be going all out on and the reps you will be shooting for.

In Crossfit you have to hit high reps with light weight as well as heavy. Most of the ladies are 21-15-9 with some lightish weights and the heroes use a substantial amount of weight for high reps in them. So in the "Countdown" you will be going light to heavy in 3 weeks time then a de-load week. Let's look at the program now and see what I am talking about.

In week one you will grab the bar and do 10 reps at 65% of working weight in the first set. After that a set of 9 reps with 69% which is just a little heavier, but feels like so much more. Now the "money" set for the workout would be the last set. I am looking for at least 8 reps with 73%, but I want you to go all out and shoot for 21 reps. If you get 21 with that last set then you are well on your way to truly using RX weights as intended in the workouts.

Week two gets a slight increase in weight so the reps are lowered to match, the intensity is still high. The first set is 7 reps at 77%, then 81% for 6 reps. After those easy sets bump it up to 85% and shoot for 5 reps but then don't stop and go for 15 reps. This week is tough.

The last working week will call for the some heavy weights to be pushed around. Starting with 89% for 4 reps, going then to 92% for 3 reps, and before the money set do 96% for 2 reps. After taking a little break load up the bar with 100% of your "working weight" and go for at least 1 rep then go for 9 reps.

After all the heavy weights go ahead and do light work sets with 40%, 50% and 60% for 8, 7 and 6 reps in that order with the percentages in their order. This should be light enough to not stress you too much.

This is something that I will be doing to see if it has any help in improving my Crossfit scores. If I get to increase my 1rm as well in the process then that is still a winner in my books. Well off to test it out for a few cycles.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

waiting and waiting and Countdown

Well was waiting for a little while and then decided to turn off the computer and just wait for the first Crossfit Sectional WOD tomorrow morning. Anyways on to the workouts from the last two days.

Monday WOD:
Back Squat
215#x as many as possible with 8 minimum.

done, done, 25 reps at 215# ass to ankles.

Tuesday WOD
A.)Power Clean
62kgx10, 66kgx9, 70kgx as many reps as possible touch and go, 2:00 rest
B.)Power Snatch
start at 60kg and go up until miss twice at weight, :90 rest
C.)30# wallballs 3x15, 2:00 minute rest
D.)Push Press 3x3 try for new max.

A.)done, done, 18 reps
B.) 82kg
C.) done
D.) 185,205,215*new PR

Have not done the Push Press in a while so went ahead and did it today. Waiting for tomrrow.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Games WOD with a twist

So came in today and did the CFC workout. Had some deadlifts and burpees and a 800m run. I despise running so that part sucked but other parts were fine.

800m run
5 rounds
5 deadlifts 275#
10 burpees over the bar


Nuff said the run sucked but the actual WOD was fun.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

A few days off

Well took a few days off of training to heal up a little. Now back to the fun stuff.



7 rounds for time:
15 KB swings 1.5 pood
15 Power Cleans 95#
15 Box Jumps 24in box

rest until top of minute then go on to part B.

5 HSPU on the minute every minute for 8 minutes


Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Monday, March 7, 2011

OLYing it up with Gina then fun with a Dumb Bear

Well got into Crossfit Charlotte at around 12 today bright eyed and ready for the workout today. Finally getting in some extra Olympic Lifting again. Gina decided she would tag along on the workout too so off we went at noon for over an hour. After that I stayed around til 3 and did the CFC workout of the dumbbell bear type workout. Here ya go:
A.) work up a heavy single in the jerk (split or push)
B.) Hang Squat Snatch 7x2
C.) work up to a heavy single on the deadlift(clean grip then regular deadlift)

5 rounds not for time:
5 DB Deadlift
5 DB Hang Power Clean
5 DB Push Press
5 DB Front Squat

in between rounds 1-2,2-3,3-4 complete 20 seconds of box jumps with emphasis on the feet being on ground for the least amount of time. dont worry about full extension just worry about getting feet off the ground and on the box as fast as possible.

A.) 117 kilo
B.) 60kg, 60kg, 65kg, 70kg, 60kg, 60kg, 60kg
C.) 190kg

worked up to 70# DB (missed 75#)
BJs: 23,23,24

Felt great today with all the lifting. Could have hit the 75# DBs but didnt tap or wrap wrist and the previous OLY session wore them out. If I just would have made it to the squat it would have been clear sailing. Well off to tomorrow's WOD. Lesson learned.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Saturday Team Day

Went in today not expecting to do the team workout, but Denton and Jay needed another player to try to win. So saddled into the rower and started with them going hard after the workout. Wallballs and box jumps hurt but the rower was pretty good.


3 Member Team WOD: Bring a friend or two!
Row for calories
Box jump, 20″
Wallballs, 20/12 @ 10′ target
Rest station (10 abmat sit-ups)
1 minute on with 15 seconds rest to set up and transition.

Between the 3 of us we got a total of 1274 coming in first with second group 40+ reps behind us.
Averaged around
25-30 calories
35-42 box jumps
26-31 wallballs

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The day before rest day March 3rd!

WOW! this was nuts to say the least! double unders went very smoothly after round 9 so had extra time to get more reps in consistently. did most of the double unders in under 15 seconds. stopped swinging around 55 seconds to transition over to jumprope except for the first two rounds. Was tough but got through it.

for time:
accumulate 200 Kettlebell Swings (1.5 pood)
at the top of the minute complete 20 Double Unders.

round 1- 30 swings
round 2- 20 swings
round 3,4,5,6- 15 swings
round 7- 10 swings
round 8,9- 15 swings
round 10- 14 swings
round 11,12,13- 12 swings

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

March 2nd!

Happy Birthday to my cousin Erica!


amrap in 20 minutes:

250 meter Row
21 GHD situps
7 one arm 70# DB split jerks, right arm
7 one arm 70# DB split jerks, left arm

6 full rounds plus row completed.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Marcho Firsto!

This one sucked a lot!

for time:

135# Thruster, 15 reps
40# weighted Pullups, 15 reps

95# Thruster, 21 reps
20# weighted Pullups, 21 reps

65# Thrusters 36 reps
Pullups, 36 reps


Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Monday the 28th

still here updating.

Monday WOD:
21 Power Cleans 155#
400m run
18 Power Cleans 155#
400m run
15 Power Clean 155#
400m run
12 Power Clean 155#


hour later I did:
dead hang pullups 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
dips x5 for 10 sets with 1.5KB

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

sunday the 27th

Hey there been away for a little while. Been busy with the gym and possible opening of one of my own really really soon. Cannot wait. Unlike other gyms we will own our own equipment. That way if something happens and have to leave the place the equipment and name goes with us.

So for this week the WODs were mostly Crossfit Charlotte workouts. The OPT will have to wait for a little while longer til I can get some free time. To be honest I have enjoyed the last week of training since I am not down in the dumps with sickness.

Sunday WOD:
Throwdown from PROGENEX
A.)50 wall balls then
3 rounds
30 Double Unders
15 Toes-2-Bar
10 Front Squats 135#
B.)immediately after last FS you have 3 minutes to find heaviest clean for day.


Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Massacre

The weekend went great with lots of people showing up to Crossfit Charlotte and killing the workouts. Today was a break for me for most of the day, did not train til 5pm so had time to kill. Slept mostly then got up and read some articles and studied for the Level One this weekend. Well anywho onto the new WODs for this fun Single Awareness Day.

A.) Back Squat-10x2 with 75 seconds rest in between sets.

B.) Dips- 5x5, 120 seconds rest between sets

C.) then max reps with 50% of max 5rm

D.) OPT test from Saturday
5 Muscle Ups
15 C&J 155#
25 Wallballs 20#/10'
30 Burpee Pullups
35 Calories on Rower

a.)225# with purple bands


c.) 12 @ 18kg

d.) 9:31 RXd

The squats felt heavy today but what can I say have not gone too heavy with them in a while with my hip hurting. The dips were something else since really just started focusing on them a lot. Hoping that they help with all the pressing coming up. The OPT test was horrible. Made it through the first 4 movements in less than 5 minutes then the burpee pullups slowed me down a little bit, but the row just made me stop entirely. I was pulling so hard in the beginning that in 29 seconds I had already pulled 12 calories, so I slowed the pace down and made it take a little longer. All in all a great day, now off to rest up for tomorrow. Keeping it simple with a run and prowler push.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Friday, February 11, 2011


The last two days went by in a blur so didn't get a chance to update. So here I am at almost midnight blogging. Sat and talked a lot with some members today and even showed a couple of people the basics to a muscle up. The last week we have had 3 people get their first muscle ups and a few more that I know will get it in near future. Anyways onto the workouts.

CFC WOD: (just a reminder to myself: don't forget the change of clothes because double unders in long wind breaker workout pants suck, long sleeve shirt did not help either.)
500m row/50 double unders
400m row/40 double unders
300m row/30 double unders
200m row/20 double unders
100m row/10 double unders

result: 9:11

Friday Funday:

3 rounds for time of:

6 muscle ups
30 wallballs 20#/10'
15 power clean 135#

results: 14:55

My goals today (friday) were to get this in under 5 minutes. I am still sore from Wednesday's 1000ft of lunges. Well off to the best recovery method ever SLEEP!

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

been a little while

Been a little while since I got a chance to get back on here to update. Well onto the workout today. It was something horrible Coach A and I came up with on the spot last night so I had to do it.

Lunge 100 ft Weighted pull-up, 20/12lbs vest Power clean, 135/85lbs

Round 1 lunge 100 ft, 10 pull-ups and 1 power clean.
Round 2 lunge 100 ft, 9 pull-ups and 2 power clean.
Round 3 lunge 100 ft, 8 pull-ups and 3 power clean.
Round 4 etc,etc…….

did the workout with 155# power cleans and a 40# vest throughout the whole workout.

It was painful and I am glad I did it that way though. Needed a tough and long workout this week. Tomorrow is going to be a recovery type workout with rowing and double unders. Kind of edgy and ready to get back onto OPT style training. Maybe add in a twist now that I am ready to really start training again. Thinking about doing a Strongman competition in September but also many little Crossfit style competitions throughout the rest of the year and especially the MetroDash with some people from Crossfit Charlotte.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Friday. Just Friday

Went in today wanting only to do the RXd weight, but I looked on the board and saw SPEC stepped it up a notch. So did the WOD at his weight and it sucked.

2 minutes max calories/reps then 15 second rest

Row for cal.- 40
Deadlift 225#- 38

Row for cal.- 30
Push Press 95#- 40

Row for cal.- 32
KB swing 32kg- 42

Row for cal.- 28
DB squat clean 45#- 14

total 130 cal/ 131 reps

Oh yeah feeling it today. Get the fish oil and bananas again.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Fun Day with the teams

Did two workouts today. The first was a 4 person team WOD of "Trevor" with sandbag runs. Then the 2nd was some muscle ups and C&Js. Something Coach A thought up for Spec and the crew but I had to wait and go afterwards. Anywho...................

"Trevor" with team
200 pullups
300 pushups
400 situps
500 squats

one sand bag run to 400m with 60# total time as group was 21:17. Did around 75 pullups, 130 pushups, 100 situps, 200 squats.

Ground20verhead 155#


Could have done better on 2nd WOD but hands were just hurtin from grip work and pullups and yesterdays wod didnt help either. Tomorrow is turning out to be a fun WOD so I may step back in to do that one as well.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A bunch of UPs

The workout OPT posted for my WOD today looked fun but due to time constraints could not do the whole workout as prescribed. The running was Xd out but needed more work on the Muscle-UPs anyways so it worked out.

3 muscle ups; rest as needed x 12
100 TGU - 1pd/.5pd - not for time
240 sec front leaning rest on rings

MUs done
TGUs done
Leaning rest done.

Looking forward to technique work tomorrow and mainly a rest day.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Monday, January 24, 2011

OPT test day

So I sitting here two days behind on the OPT training and pleasantly enjoying the workouts. After failing to complete Saturday's two man team workout due to leg cramps from dehydration and just poor judgement on recovery, I decided to take an extra rest day and get back to working normally. Well onto the WODs.........


Split Jerk from rack - build to a 1RM
rest 10 min
50 HSPU for time
rest 10 min
10 min max reps - KB Snatch - 1.5/1pd


Split Jerk: 112kg

50HSPU: 3:58

10min Snatch test: 221

Everyone of these movements felt very very good today. The only thing I can say is I wish I had done better on the HSPUs. Just got to rep 30 and hit the wall. Anyways give me the next one.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Okay so 2 days behind

After another night of making a workout I knew I would be doing it. The workouts were tough and people were taking a while to finish it. I don't know but I think OPT programming is helping out, because I didn't put the bar down til round 5 at the 30th rep. So I like seeing the improvements.

500m row/ 50 abmat situps/ 10 press (45#)

400m row/ 40 abmat situps/ 20 press

300m row/ 30 abmat situps/ 30 press

200m row/ 20 abmat situps/ 40 press

100m row/ 10 abmat situps/ 50 press


17:45 RXd

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day Behind

Well last night when thinking up a great workout to put the clients through, Coach A and I were trying to be nice. As you will see it was not a nice day at Crossfit Charlotte. We were bad but it was a great workout all in all. So I will be back on OPT one day behind now. Here it goes:

A.) 10 min AMRAP:
5 C2B pullups
10 ring dips
15 Over head Squats (75#)

B.) 3 rounds of 3 min on 1 min off of
3 power snatches (95#)
6 hand release pushups
9 split jumps

A.) 6 rounds + 2 pullups

B.) 12 rounds even

It was horrible mid way through. Rest was a laugh, not even close to recovering til 30 minutes after.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.
S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Specific - A specific goal has a much greater chance of being accomplished than a general goal. To set a specific goal you must answer the six "W" questions:

*Who: Who is involved?
*What: What do I want to accomplish?
*Where: Identify a location.
*When: Establish a time frame.
*Which: Identify requirements and constraints.
*Why: Specific reasons, purpose or benefits of accomplishing the goal.

EXAMPLE: A general goal would be, "Get in shape." But a specific goal would say, "Join a health club and workout 3 days a week."

Measurable - Establish concrete criteria for measuring progress toward the attainment of each goal you set. When you measure your progress, you stay on track, reach your target dates, and experience the exhilaration of achievement that spurs you on to continued effort required to reach your goal.

To determine if your goal is measurable, ask questions such as......How much? How many? How will I know when it is accomplished?

Attainable - When you identify goals that are most important to you, you begin to figure out ways you can make them come true. You develop the attitudes, abilities, skills, and financial capacity to reach them. You begin seeing previously overlooked opportunities to bring yourself closer to the achievement of your goals.

You can attain most any goal you set when you plan your steps wisely and establish a time frame that allows you to carry out those steps. Goals that may have seemed far away and out of reach eventually move closer and become attainable, not because your goals shrink, but because you grow and expand to match them. When you list your goals you build your self-image. You see yourself as worthy of these goals, and develop the traits and personality that allow you to possess them.

Realistic - To be realistic, a goal must represent an objective toward which you are both willing and able to work. A goal can be both high and realistic; you are the only one who can decide just how high your goal should be. But be sure that every goal represents substantial progress. A high goal is frequently easier to reach than a low one because a low goal exerts low motivational force. Some of the hardest jobs you ever accomplished actually seem easy simply because they were a labor of love.

Your goal is probably realistic if you truly believe that it can be accomplished. Additional ways to know if your goal is realistic is to determine if you have accomplished anything similar in the past or ask yourself what conditions would have to exist to accomplish this goal.

Timely - A goal should be grounded within a time frame. With no time frame tied to it there's no sense of urgency. If you want to lose 10 lbs, when do you want to lose it by? "Someday" won't work. But if you anchor it within a timeframe, "by May 1st", then you've set your unconscious mind into motion to begin working on the goal.

T can also stand for Tangible - A goal is tangible when you can experience it with one of the senses, that is, taste, touch, smell, sight or hearing. When your goal is tangible you have a better chance of making it specific and measurable and thus attainable.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Back into the mix after a rest day. Look at what I did.


A. Front Squat - 3,3,3; rest 3 min
only last set is tough 3
B. Hang Snatch - 3 x 3 @ 80%; rest 90 sec
work on speed under bar and solid catch - do not rise till perfect at bottom
C1. CTB Chin Ups - 20 x 3; rest 2 min
work on speed, not fatigue
C2. HSPU - amrap x 3; rest 2 min
use game time speed/effort


A. 265, 280, 295(2)

B. 145

C1. 20, 20, 10/10
C2. 16, 13, 12

Forgot lifting shoes so did all in a pair of chucks. The front squats went better than thought but I think depth could have been better. Everything else felt real well.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Took the Big Dawg Challenge today and went through the workout in pain. Never got a chance to catch my breath. With the testers I have been told to not hold anything back and go 100% all out no matter what. Here is the WOD that was supposed to be on Sunday but I did not get a chance til today to complete it. Have a go at it and see what you think.

Phase 1
As many rounds and reps as possible in 4 Minutes of:
325/265 lb. Deadlift x 4 reps
Muscle-Up x (males-4 reps; females-2 reps)

Rest exactly 8 minutes, and then:

Phase 2
As many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes of:
185/135 lb. Squat Clean x 6 reps
Handstand Push-Ups x (males-12 reps; females-6 reps)

Rest exactly 6 minutes, and then:

Phase 3
As many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
Row 500 Meters
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
10 Burpees
(Athletes will receive 1 point for every 100 meters rowed.)

The athletes’ scores for each phase will be the total number of repetitions completed. Their scores from Phases 1, 2 and 3 will be added together to create their final challenge score. The athlete with the highest total score will be the winner.


Phase 1: 3 rounds+4+2

Phase 2: 3 rounds +6+8

Phase 3: 2 rounds+420m

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

stress out thursday

Just really stressed out today. So the workout did not go as smooth as I would have liked. Here is what went down today.

A. Power Clean - 1,1,1; rest 5 min
B. AMRAP Burpees in 20 sec; walk rest 2 min x 3
C. Row sprints - 30 sec @ 95%; walk rest 1:30 x 3


A. 100kg, 105kg, 112kg

B. 10, 10,11

C. 490, 520, 518

The burpees and rows went by quick as they came. By the time I even looked at clock the round was over.

The day is almost over so I will try to unwind.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Well after a few things came up today, I finally found time to do most of the workout. Bucky came in at 6 tonight and we got to do the first part together, but then I had to coach at 7 so did not get to the second amrap til 7:50pm. First time doing the rope climbs in a long while. Onto the damage..................

as many rounds in 10 min @ 90%:
5 ring dips
5 Dead Lift - 135#/95#
5 hang power clean - 135#/95#

rest 10 min

as many rounds in 5 min @ 90%:
1 rope ascent
10 wall balls - 20/14# to 10ft


amrap 10: 10 + 5dips

amrap 5: 3 + 6wallballs

decided to try the hook grip for all the deadlifts and the HPCs. Felt a little weird at first but got used to it after the 8th round. By then it was numb.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

doesnt look tough

Well it didn't look tough was what I was thinking, but I was wrong. Take stab at this workout and see what you think.


3 sets:
20 unbroken chin ups
Row 400 m @ 95%
rest 5 min actively
30 sec amrap DU's
30 sec rest x 10


all sets of pullups unbroken.

1:24, 1:22, 1:24

sets 4 and 6 went unbroken. rest I kept tripping up around 35 and had to restart.

Like I said give it a go and see what you think.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Monday, January 10, 2011

A "Filthy" experiment

Filthy 50 was on the board today at Crossfit Charlotte. Was planning on doing it and then Bryan Ragon walked in and Coach A, and the two of us started playing around with ideas of how to do the workout differently. So Bryan opted to do it in reverse order while I decided to do a pyramid style workout. Same amount of work and should be faster right? Wrong! It hurt far worse than imagined, would have rather done each movement all the way through all 50 reps instead. Anyways, how about you give it a try and have fun with that.

Filthy Pyramid
25 Box Jumps 24in
25 Jumping Pullups
25 Kettlebell Swings 16kg
25 Lunges
25 Knees to Elbows
25 Push Press 45#
25 Hip Extensions
25 Wallballs 20#/10'
50 Double Unders
25 Wallballs
25 Hip Extensions
25 Push Press
25 Knees to Elbows
25 Lunges
25 Kettlebell Swings
25 Jumping Pullups
25 Box jumps


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday the 9th

Feeling the effects of yesterday's workout and then from all the gymnastics practice afterwards. That was fun and humbling at the same time. Need to keep working on those movements though, and that is the plan. Starting tomorrow I will add in the Gymnastics WOD to the program to assist my skill development. Today's workout was a fun and hurting one. So here we go.

A. Close Grip Bench Press - 60% 1RM; 8 sets of 2 @ 10X1; rest 45 sec
B. Clean Grip Dead Lift @ 12X1 - 3 x 3 @ 80% effort; rest 2 min
C1. Ring HSPU - amrap x 3; rest 20 sec
C2. GH Raises @ 1010; 10 x 3; rest 3 min

A. 70kg ( felt really good)
B. 140kg (turned into more of shrug with the 2nd pull)
C1. subbed full ROM HSPU 6,6,5
(shoulders to paralletes)
C2. done with hands at side

Onto the next one.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The OVERHEAD squat

Overhead Squat for 15rm is the first thing I saw for the workout today. Have not gone very heavy for lots of reps in that movement in a long while. Really have not practiced this movement lately. Loving the OPT programming so far, lots of stuff I would not program for myself. Just looking forward to the upcoming WODs because I know they are going to be worse than these this week.


Overhead Squat - build to a 15RM;
drop weight after 15 reps
rest 1 min after last set - strip weight to get 95#/65# on bar
for time:
20 squat snatch - 95#/65#
30 pistols
40 CTB chin ups
30 pistols
20 squat snatch - 95#/65#

Overhead 15rm= 70kg

metcon= 9:36

Did the pistols to a 12" box. Really need to work on every movement from this workout. Getting ready to gear up.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

the Forearm's gotta go

Kettlebell swings were the death of me tonight. Going for a 3 minutes and resting for 5 was not as much as you would think. At least not for me it wasn't, but for Bucky it seemed to work a little. On with the show.

5 sets for total reps @ 100% effort;
1 min amrap KBS - 2/1.5 pd
1 min amrap burpee jumping pull ups - bar 12" from max reach
1 min amrap double unders
walk rest 5 min actively

1. 31(+20)-9-60
2. 29-8-65
3. 27-7-59
4. 27-7-63
5. 26-6-62
total 506 rx'd at 2 pood

Cannot wait for my rest day tomorrow. Might make it active rest with a couple miles of walking or rowing.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Wednesday the 5th

OPT threw a few curve balls in today with all the basic skill work. Tomorrow will surely be a barn burning fire breathing killer WOD.
Anyways onto the workout.

3 muscle ups
breathe 10 times slowly x 8
1 advanced HSPU (advanced for you) every 30 sec for 12 min
In 6 minutes move from performing 5 GH raises and 3 L pull ups back and forth at a controlled pace
200 walking lunges slow and steady - with perfect form; do not kiss knee to ground "like it's a lover you haven't seen in 6months!"

A. 3/3/3/2/3/3/2/3
tried out the muscle ups tonight with a drop into the kip from the top. felt great and it made me work on my MU using different grips.

B. done on paralletes with depth to abmat on top of 6in. box

C. stayed at a round a minute. could not get comfortable on the GH machine.

D. 200 lunges suck period. stuck to the 10 breathe rule every 50.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Numero 2 in the books

Today was awesomely terrible to size it up nicely. Just enough suck to make it feel good while also at the same time sickening. All in all a great day. Did not get to work out til 7pm but still gave it my all.
Without further adeou here is WOD numero two.


A. Power Clean x 1/Split Jerk x 3 - 80% effort; rest 2 min x 3
5 sets:
Hang Power Clean x 7 unbroken light and fast
rest 0 sec
Airdyne 25 sec @ 97%
(rest 4 min walking actively - if this is too much time you're not working hard enough)

A. 93kg
65kg all sets
Air Dyne I did .17,.17,.16,.16,.15 (measured in distances)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Woohoo WOD 1 down

Well the title says it all. Real excited to be done with the first OPT Big Dawg WOD.
I was planning on doing it yesterday but ended up cleaning the entire gym with Spec along with Greg & Sue Clewis. So the floor was completely soaked and then I was like "SHIT" now I can't workout. Turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
Would like to say great job to Bucky tonight for tackling the WOD too.

OPT Big Dawg WOD:
Unbroken 2.0
7 rounds for time:
4 Handstand Pushups
5 Full Cleans 135#
6 Chest to Bar pullups
7 Kettlebell Swings 2 pood

(standards for the workout were once the movement was started you could not put the weight down until all reps were finished. In the HSPU you could rest on your head or in the locked out position, Cleans could rest on the shoulders only, pullups could rest in the hang position but the KBSwings were to not stop.)

Hour later:
half "Cindy"
13 rounds + 8 pushups

Hardest part of the workouts were the squat cleans after the HSPU. Had to remember to breathe between movements since were all unbroken.

Train Hard and Chase Lions!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Start

I really cannot wait to get started on OPT's programming tomorrow. On the site today is a video from the crew over at Crossfit Fort Bragg. I have had a chance to train with a few of the guys and gal in the video. All are great athletes, and sure do know when something is worth trying out.

Looking at his site at first glance you think you were looking at a complicated math problem, with the percentages and X's scattered across the workout. Upon looking at the FAQs and really reading the comments from members, it is pretty simple to understand. It is just something different.

As far as the programming goes he uses a periodization method to Crossfit. I am all for periodization to some of your dismay, and actually sorta do it already when programming. Also he throws in tempo lifts as well as runs to mix it up to be able to hit all the weak parts in the lifts. That right there will be the hardest thing to get used to for me. Normally just go on feel and try to execute as fast as possible with the best technique I can handle.

One major reason I am deciding to follow OPT is the fact that he respects Crossfit and its Coaches and Staff as a whole. I am sure he has some issues with some people like we all do but he is professional about it and doesn't stream it on Facebook or Twitter, like so many other worthless trainers. You know the ones that think they are better at programming than Crossfit.

Well here is a news flash for everyone. There was only one true Crossfit and now that place and head coach are no more. So basically every affiliate is just a watered down version of the original, with each gym specializing in some part of fitness.

Heresy you scream? It is true though, with everyone wanting to be the best at the CF Games every year now. Every person wants to change up everything and try to involve everything they read in T-Nation, Elite FT-S or whatever else people read now a days. Funny thing with that is most of the writers and trainers on those sites hate Crossfit as a whole and secretly make fun of the people trying to implement their work into helping their Fran times go down.

Well I am done ranting on that and now off to get some rest and recovery from the long weekend that it has been.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year new ideas.

First off let me explain the title to the blog. It comes out of the Bible and centers around one man named Benaiah. If you want to read the whole story then turn to the Old Testament to 2 Samuel 23:20-21. The gist of the story is that on a snowy day this one man, Benaiah, saw a lion go into a pit and followed it in. I repeat FOLLOWED it in. Doesn't say how he did it but he comes out of the pit alive.

Who in their right mind would do that? Well someone who is wired differently does. A risk taker, go getter, or whatever you want to call him. It is only a little passage in the big old Book, but you can take a lot away from the verses. I took away that you have to take chances, and really take them not just saying you will.

That is the reason for the name, and now to get this whole thing started.

I am not the best blogger, but since it is a new year I will make it a point to keep it up. This year is going to be a great year for me and my future partners. Helping to expand Crossfit Charlotte's name as well as our own will be the main goal. Already have many potential clients waiting for us to get something started in a few areas.
Can't wait to see this take off.

So for this year I am taking my training more seriously this year. After recovering from nagging injuries of my hip and shoulder, I am now on the right track to really
train again.

Hoping to get back into fighting shape and also playing shape for rugby this year. Going to try and take up both again in the upcoming months. Now onto the training.

After talking with other people and learning from some of the greatest coaches around, I found out that programming for yourself is not the best idea, so with that being said the programming I will be following will be that of Optimum Performance Training.

Otherwise known as OPT in the general Crossfit circles.
He is a highly sought after coach, well respected by those in Crossfit and outside. Many top level trainees use his Big Dawg programming to gear up for the CF Games and other competitions year round. By seeing all those results, and reading such great reviews I decided on him, now that I have the time to put in to do multiple workouts daily.

Well enough typing I have to go to sleep to get ready to train later today.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.