Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Massacre

The weekend went great with lots of people showing up to Crossfit Charlotte and killing the workouts. Today was a break for me for most of the day, did not train til 5pm so had time to kill. Slept mostly then got up and read some articles and studied for the Level One this weekend. Well anywho onto the new WODs for this fun Single Awareness Day.

A.) Back Squat-10x2 with 75 seconds rest in between sets.

B.) Dips- 5x5, 120 seconds rest between sets

C.) then max reps with 50% of max 5rm

D.) OPT test from Saturday
5 Muscle Ups
15 C&J 155#
25 Wallballs 20#/10'
30 Burpee Pullups
35 Calories on Rower

a.)225# with purple bands


c.) 12 @ 18kg

d.) 9:31 RXd

The squats felt heavy today but what can I say have not gone too heavy with them in a while with my hip hurting. The dips were something else since really just started focusing on them a lot. Hoping that they help with all the pressing coming up. The OPT test was horrible. Made it through the first 4 movements in less than 5 minutes then the burpee pullups slowed me down a little bit, but the row just made me stop entirely. I was pulling so hard in the beginning that in 29 seconds I had already pulled 12 calories, so I slowed the pace down and made it take a little longer. All in all a great day, now off to rest up for tomorrow. Keeping it simple with a run and prowler push.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Friday, February 11, 2011


The last two days went by in a blur so didn't get a chance to update. So here I am at almost midnight blogging. Sat and talked a lot with some members today and even showed a couple of people the basics to a muscle up. The last week we have had 3 people get their first muscle ups and a few more that I know will get it in near future. Anyways onto the workouts.

CFC WOD: (just a reminder to myself: don't forget the change of clothes because double unders in long wind breaker workout pants suck, long sleeve shirt did not help either.)
500m row/50 double unders
400m row/40 double unders
300m row/30 double unders
200m row/20 double unders
100m row/10 double unders

result: 9:11

Friday Funday:

3 rounds for time of:

6 muscle ups
30 wallballs 20#/10'
15 power clean 135#

results: 14:55

My goals today (friday) were to get this in under 5 minutes. I am still sore from Wednesday's 1000ft of lunges. Well off to the best recovery method ever SLEEP!

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

been a little while

Been a little while since I got a chance to get back on here to update. Well onto the workout today. It was something horrible Coach A and I came up with on the spot last night so I had to do it.

Lunge 100 ft Weighted pull-up, 20/12lbs vest Power clean, 135/85lbs

Round 1 lunge 100 ft, 10 pull-ups and 1 power clean.
Round 2 lunge 100 ft, 9 pull-ups and 2 power clean.
Round 3 lunge 100 ft, 8 pull-ups and 3 power clean.
Round 4 etc,etc…….

did the workout with 155# power cleans and a 40# vest throughout the whole workout.

It was painful and I am glad I did it that way though. Needed a tough and long workout this week. Tomorrow is going to be a recovery type workout with rowing and double unders. Kind of edgy and ready to get back onto OPT style training. Maybe add in a twist now that I am ready to really start training again. Thinking about doing a Strongman competition in September but also many little Crossfit style competitions throughout the rest of the year and especially the MetroDash with some people from Crossfit Charlotte.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.