Tuesday, March 29, 2011

the Squat and box jump

Today at CFC we did Heavy Back Squats and Box Jumps with twist.

A.) Back Squat

box jumps
5 sets as many reps as possible with emphasis on touch and go at bottom.
(feet on ground for least amount of time)

A.) done with 8kg fat bar
128kg, 133kg, 138kg, 143kg, 148kg, 153kg, 158kg(f)

B.) highest was 26 jumps

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Stupid Calf and the Cindy WOD

So yesterday in the middle of the Open WOD my calf seized up and I had to finish out the workout in my socks. I didn't want to tap so I just manned up and stayed on the concrete spinning my rope. Anyways I am glad that they extended the period for entries. Anyways onto today. Cindy with a Power Clean was what I chose today. Did not want a lot of upper body pressing so opted for this one that I did with a few HQ trainers a year or two ago. Starting back on OPT tomorrow to get back into the swing of things.

one round of Cindy (5pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats)
1 185# Power Clean
one round of Cindy
2 185# Power Clean
and so on and so on until the 20 minutes is up.

11 full rounds + 6 Power Cleans
totals: 60pullups, 110 pushups, 165 squats, 72 185# Power Cleans

This WOD is evil but fun. Was looking to capture 12 but just didn't have the grip for it. Went to round 6 UNBROKEN on the Power Cleans. Every Cindy was UNBROKEN.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


After taking Saturday and Sunday off I was wide awake with a full mind, so I jotted some stuff on paper and some I kept others once they were written out did not sounds too good so they were erased.

One that stood out was "Countdown."

It is a strength program based off of Wendlar's 5/3/1, but spice it up a little to fit the needs of Crossfitters. I was looking at my weaknesses in the WODs and noticed what was standing out was I looked at the bar a little longer than I should. After telling some other people in the community about it, they stated that they noticed the same thing in their training. so I went out on a search to look for something that might be a good fix for Crossfitters and improving the power output in WODs.

I heard some great things from people on Starting Strength from Rippetoe, but after looking further most didn't gain much on their Crossfit times. Given their technique improved but with gaining more strength the people had to sacrifice other parts of the training. You can gawk at that but it is true. Have not seen anyone with a 600# squat and a 3:00 Fran yet. So after claiming that it is a great program for people looking to gain strength, but not so much for Crossfitters.

Next on the list from people was Westside style training. Again I agreed it was great for strength but not so much for Crossfitters. Well at least not to use all the time. If sprinkled in routinely I could see it paying dividends for some to get the strength up. All the strength doesn't mean that the WODs will get easier or feel lighter but having a 500# deadlift doesn't hurt. One thing I like about Westside is the assistance work Simmons throws in.

Some people brought up Defranco's methods. I like Defranco, Joe has great ideas when training football players and some other style athletes. He doesn't have a strong program, however, for the Crossfit athlete. Defranco's training is based off of Westside from what I can see from all the articles.

Lastly the most talked about program from the community was Wendlar's 5/3/1. On the surface this looks great and I have made some good gains in the workouts for my maxes but again not much improvement on the WODs that came up daily. Saw myself feeling fatigued as well a little more, since he throws in assistance work as well. A good thing like I said before. The last sets of the workout where you go all out is a great thing, but maybe a little too heavy for Crossfitters. You are basically asked to go all out on high percentages of heavy weights. Really great for most.

With that last sentence is where my thoughts for "Countdown" came from. With Wendlar's systems you are not hitting lower than 80% of your maxes. When it comes to Crossfit though you are asked to tackle weights that are almost at 50% of max and shoot for around 50-75 reps or maybe around 75% and go UNBROKEN for many reps as well. Both of those circumstances come up daily on the WODs. The best way to complete the workouts is to not let go. Whether you have a big deadlift or not doesn't matter if you have to put the bar down and let others go by you as you stand and look at the bars.

Hoping you have understood most of the above let's proceed.
Like I mentioned earlier "Countdown" is based off Wendlar in many ways. First likeness is taking a percentage of your 1rm and using it as a working weight (in Countdown you take 90% of 1rm then subtract 5-10 pounds). Second likeness will be having you go all out on the last set of each workout. The one thing that will differ is the weights you will be going all out on and the reps you will be shooting for.

In Crossfit you have to hit high reps with light weight as well as heavy. Most of the ladies are 21-15-9 with some lightish weights and the heroes use a substantial amount of weight for high reps in them. So in the "Countdown" you will be going light to heavy in 3 weeks time then a de-load week. Let's look at the program now and see what I am talking about.

In week one you will grab the bar and do 10 reps at 65% of working weight in the first set. After that a set of 9 reps with 69% which is just a little heavier, but feels like so much more. Now the "money" set for the workout would be the last set. I am looking for at least 8 reps with 73%, but I want you to go all out and shoot for 21 reps. If you get 21 with that last set then you are well on your way to truly using RX weights as intended in the workouts.

Week two gets a slight increase in weight so the reps are lowered to match, the intensity is still high. The first set is 7 reps at 77%, then 81% for 6 reps. After those easy sets bump it up to 85% and shoot for 5 reps but then don't stop and go for 15 reps. This week is tough.

The last working week will call for the some heavy weights to be pushed around. Starting with 89% for 4 reps, going then to 92% for 3 reps, and before the money set do 96% for 2 reps. After taking a little break load up the bar with 100% of your "working weight" and go for at least 1 rep then go for 9 reps.

After all the heavy weights go ahead and do light work sets with 40%, 50% and 60% for 8, 7 and 6 reps in that order with the percentages in their order. This should be light enough to not stress you too much.

This is something that I will be doing to see if it has any help in improving my Crossfit scores. If I get to increase my 1rm as well in the process then that is still a winner in my books. Well off to test it out for a few cycles.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

waiting and waiting and Countdown

Well was waiting for a little while and then decided to turn off the computer and just wait for the first Crossfit Sectional WOD tomorrow morning. Anyways on to the workouts from the last two days.

Monday WOD:
Back Squat
215#x as many as possible with 8 minimum.

done, done, 25 reps at 215# ass to ankles.

Tuesday WOD
A.)Power Clean
62kgx10, 66kgx9, 70kgx as many reps as possible touch and go, 2:00 rest
B.)Power Snatch
start at 60kg and go up until miss twice at weight, :90 rest
C.)30# wallballs 3x15, 2:00 minute rest
D.)Push Press 3x3 try for new max.

A.)done, done, 18 reps
B.) 82kg
C.) done
D.) 185,205,215*new PR

Have not done the Push Press in a while so went ahead and did it today. Waiting for tomrrow.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Games WOD with a twist

So came in today and did the CFC workout. Had some deadlifts and burpees and a 800m run. I despise running so that part sucked but other parts were fine.

800m run
5 rounds
5 deadlifts 275#
10 burpees over the bar


Nuff said the run sucked but the actual WOD was fun.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

A few days off

Well took a few days off of training to heal up a little. Now back to the fun stuff.



7 rounds for time:
15 KB swings 1.5 pood
15 Power Cleans 95#
15 Box Jumps 24in box

rest until top of minute then go on to part B.

5 HSPU on the minute every minute for 8 minutes


Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Monday, March 7, 2011

OLYing it up with Gina then fun with a Dumb Bear

Well got into Crossfit Charlotte at around 12 today bright eyed and ready for the workout today. Finally getting in some extra Olympic Lifting again. Gina decided she would tag along on the workout too so off we went at noon for over an hour. After that I stayed around til 3 and did the CFC workout of the dumbbell bear type workout. Here ya go:
A.) work up a heavy single in the jerk (split or push)
B.) Hang Squat Snatch 7x2
C.) work up to a heavy single on the deadlift(clean grip then regular deadlift)

5 rounds not for time:
5 DB Deadlift
5 DB Hang Power Clean
5 DB Push Press
5 DB Front Squat

in between rounds 1-2,2-3,3-4 complete 20 seconds of box jumps with emphasis on the feet being on ground for the least amount of time. dont worry about full extension just worry about getting feet off the ground and on the box as fast as possible.

A.) 117 kilo
B.) 60kg, 60kg, 65kg, 70kg, 60kg, 60kg, 60kg
C.) 190kg

worked up to 70# DB (missed 75#)
BJs: 23,23,24

Felt great today with all the lifting. Could have hit the 75# DBs but didnt tap or wrap wrist and the previous OLY session wore them out. If I just would have made it to the squat it would have been clear sailing. Well off to tomorrow's WOD. Lesson learned.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Saturday Team Day

Went in today not expecting to do the team workout, but Denton and Jay needed another player to try to win. So saddled into the rower and started with them going hard after the workout. Wallballs and box jumps hurt but the rower was pretty good.


3 Member Team WOD: Bring a friend or two!
Row for calories
Box jump, 20″
Wallballs, 20/12 @ 10′ target
Rest station (10 abmat sit-ups)
1 minute on with 15 seconds rest to set up and transition.

Between the 3 of us we got a total of 1274 coming in first with second group 40+ reps behind us.
Averaged around
25-30 calories
35-42 box jumps
26-31 wallballs

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The day before rest day March 3rd!

WOW! this was nuts to say the least! double unders went very smoothly after round 9 so had extra time to get more reps in consistently. did most of the double unders in under 15 seconds. stopped swinging around 55 seconds to transition over to jumprope except for the first two rounds. Was tough but got through it.

for time:
accumulate 200 Kettlebell Swings (1.5 pood)
at the top of the minute complete 20 Double Unders.

round 1- 30 swings
round 2- 20 swings
round 3,4,5,6- 15 swings
round 7- 10 swings
round 8,9- 15 swings
round 10- 14 swings
round 11,12,13- 12 swings

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

March 2nd!

Happy Birthday to my cousin Erica!


amrap in 20 minutes:

250 meter Row
21 GHD situps
7 one arm 70# DB split jerks, right arm
7 one arm 70# DB split jerks, left arm

6 full rounds plus row completed.

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Marcho Firsto!

This one sucked a lot!

for time:

135# Thruster, 15 reps
40# weighted Pullups, 15 reps

95# Thruster, 21 reps
20# weighted Pullups, 21 reps

65# Thrusters 36 reps
Pullups, 36 reps


Train Hard and Chase Lions.

Monday the 28th

still here updating.

Monday WOD:
21 Power Cleans 155#
400m run
18 Power Cleans 155#
400m run
15 Power Clean 155#
400m run
12 Power Clean 155#


hour later I did:
dead hang pullups 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
dips x5 for 10 sets with 1.5KB

Train Hard and Chase Lions.

sunday the 27th

Hey there been away for a little while. Been busy with the gym and possible opening of one of my own really really soon. Cannot wait. Unlike other gyms we will own our own equipment. That way if something happens and have to leave the place the equipment and name goes with us.

So for this week the WODs were mostly Crossfit Charlotte workouts. The OPT will have to wait for a little while longer til I can get some free time. To be honest I have enjoyed the last week of training since I am not down in the dumps with sickness.

Sunday WOD:
Throwdown from PROGENEX
A.)50 wall balls then
3 rounds
30 Double Unders
15 Toes-2-Bar
10 Front Squats 135#
B.)immediately after last FS you have 3 minutes to find heaviest clean for day.


Train Hard and Chase Lions.